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CITI Training in the Responsible Conduct of Research

Through membership in the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) of the University of Miami, online course modules in the Responsible Conduct of Research are available to UNC faculty, staff and students.

To register as a new CITI user:

Go to the CITI website and under Create an Account, click on the "Register" button.

Under "Select your institution or organization" choose  the University of Northern Colorado from the "Participating Institutions" drop down box.

Select your own username and password

  • Username: 4-50 characters. Acceptable characters include letters, numbers, and the symbols "@", ".", and "_". No spaces or other characters are allowed. Your username is not case sensitive.
  • Password: 8-12 characters, letters and numbers are the only acceptable characters. No spaces or other characters are allowed. Your password is not case sensitive.

Enter your name, email address and other requested contact information.

To select the courses you want to take:

On the Main Menu page, select "View Courses" next to University of Northern Colorado.  This will show you the courses you have added, started, and completed.  Scroll to the Learner Tools at the bottom of the page and select "Add a Course".

For Question 1, select which category or categories of courses you need to take from the following list.  For example, if you need to complete IRB Training, you would select "Human Research Courses".  Then click, Next.

  • Biomechanics Programs Group
  • Human Research Courses
  • Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) courses
  • Good Clinical Practices (GCP)
  • Health Information Privacy and Security (HIPS)
  • Financial Conflict of Interest
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Lab Animal Welfare
  • Institutional/Signatory Official
  • IRB Chairs and Vice-Chairs
  • Export Compliance
  • Revised Common Rule

Proceed with the next set of questions to fully add the desired courses to your profile.  Please visit program specific ORSP webpages if you need assistance with identifying which course(s) you need to take.  

To log in as a Registered User:

if you are already registered as a CITI user, go to the CITI website to log in.

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